✓ The unit carries out a braking procedure during the closing manoeuvre that slows speed and reduces noise in the final movement
The point at which slowing down starts is calculated
automatically according to the length of the previous ma -
noeuvre; four seconds before the manoeuvre is expected to
finish the unit reduces the voltage supplied to the motor and,
consequently, speed.
Two different slowing down levels can be selected by means of
the jumper in Fig. 5 (50% or 75% of speed). The slowing down
level you have just selected is effective immediately but as it is
calculated on the previous manoeuvre, several complete
manoeuvres are necessary to establish the actual slowing
down point.
The unit has two dip switches that are used to activate the various functioning modes and to render the system suitable to the user's
requirements and safer to use.
The unit has three distinct functioning modes, hold to run control, semi-automatic and automatic plus pause time programming.
ATTENTION: some of the functioning modes are linked to safety aspects: carefully evaluate the effects of a function and see
which function gives the greatest possible level of safety.
When servicing a system, before you modify a programmable function, evaluate why certain choices were made when it was installed
and then verify if safety will be influenced with the new programming.
When in the manual functioning mode (dip switch 1=OFF 2=OFF) you can have opening and closing by pressing the STEP-
BY-STEP button.
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This movement will continue only while the button is pressed and will stop as soon as it is released.
If STOP triggers, movement will stop immediately whether the door is opening or closing. Once a movement has been
stopped the step-by-step button has to be pressed again to start another movement.
If the PHOTOCELL triggers it has no effect on an opening manoeuvre while in closing it causes movement to stop. In the functioning
of the gearmotor, in the opening and closing manoeuvres the motor will run for a maximum of 60 seconds for safety reasons. If
movement is prevented for any reason the gearmotor will switch itself off when the preset working time has elapsed.
When operating in the semi-automatic mode (dip switch 1=ON 2=OFF) a command pulse on the STEP-BY-STEP input
enables the alternative opening and closing movement according to the OPEN-STOP-CLOSE-STOP sequence. A STOP
1 2
command will always stop movement immediately, whether the door is opening or closing. Once movement has stopped a
new command pulse must be given to start another movement. A PHOTOCELL command has no effect in opening while
in closing it causes movement to stop and reverses movement.
In the semi-automatic function the opening and closing manoeuvres also take a maximum of 60 seconds.
If the automatic functioning mode has been chosen (dip switch 1=OFF 2=ON), an opening manoeuvre is followed by a
pause (the length of time is programmable) and then by a closing manoeuvre.
1 2
If, during the pause time, the PHOTOCELL triggers, the timer will be reset with a new pause time; operation of the STOP
during pause time will cancel the closing function and leave the unit in a STOP state. In the automatic function the opening
and closing manoeuvres will also take a maximum of 60 seconds.
If the automatic functioning mode is selected, an opening manoeuvre
is followed by a "pause" followed automatically by a closing
1 2
manoeuvre. If pause time is not programmed it will last 30 seconds.
To programme pause time, during which the door stays open,
proceed as follows:
1) Turn both dip switches ON
2) Press the programming button and hold it down.
3) Count the number of flashes of the courtesy light (1 second intervals).
4) Release the button when it reaches the time you want.
5) Put the dip switches back in the position for automatic functioning.
Fig. 6