Connected instrument
DE40, DE45, DE51, RE40D,
RE50, DR40, DR45
Refracto 30PX/GS, Densito
SevenEasy S20, S30, V 1.30
or higher
SevenMulti S40, S47, S50,
S70, S80, V 1.1 or higher
SevenGo pro SG6, SG7, SG8 Factory settings of the
DM40, DM45, DM50, RM40,
MP50, MP70, MP80
* The printer detects automatically the settings of the connected device. Therefore disconnect the printer of the
connected device and reset the printer to set the factory settings again: Baudrate: 9600; Bit/Parity: 8 Bit No,
Handshake: Xon/Xoff
Instrument settings
Printer settings
Auto Bauderate off,
Balance Feature off,
Baudrate: 1200; Bit/
Parity: 8 Bit No,
Handshake: Hardware
Printer mode and
Auto Bauderate off,
Baudrate 9600
Balance Feature off,
Baudrate: 1200; Bit/
Parity: 8 Bit No,
Handshake: Hardware
Factory settings
*Reset, Auto Bauderate
off, Balance Feature off
Baudrate: 9600; Bit/
*Reset, Auto Bauderate
Parity: 8 Bit No,
off, Balance Feature off
Handshake: Xon/Xoff
Auto Bauderate off,
RS232 Infrared device
Baudrate: 1200, Bit/
Parity: 8 Bit No,
Handshake: off
Printer mode
Factory settings
Printer mode
Factory settings
Compatible printer models
RS‑P26 (connect with RS9 F/
F cable order number:
RS‑P26, RS‑P25
RS‑P26, RS‑P25
RS‑P26 data transfer of
SevenGo pro to the printer
occurs via the Infrared-RS232
adapter (order number:
Recommended Settings and Printer Models