<< Operating instructions SATA filter 400 >>
• Never use the filter when it is damaged or when components are
• Check and, if necessary, repair the filter on a regular basis!
• Put filter out of operation immediately when it is damaged!
• Never carry out unauthorized or technical modifications on the filter!
• Use original SATA spare parts and accessories only!
6.3. Use In Explosive Areas
The filter is approved for the use in explosive areas classified as Ex-zone
1 and 2.
The SATA filter 400 due to their conception, design and construction
comply with the basic safety requirements of the directive 94/9/EU. The
respective documents required by directive 94/9/EU Annex VIII are de-
posited for 10 years at the designated location, number 0123 with the
documentation number 70023722.
7.1. SATA filter 400
• Install mounting bracket [1-2] on the filter
• To ensure proper function of the condensate drain valve, please mount
the filter with screws to the wall vertically.
• Connect air inlet G ½ i to compressed air line with detachable screw
• Slide condensate drain hose [1-10] over the drain valve [1-9]; put
hose end into a suitable collection container (not included in delivery).
• Mount shut-off tap in front of the filter, e.g. Art. No. 10934 (not in-
cluded in delivery), allowing easy and safe filter maintenance.
7.2. Retrofit SATA filter 444 to filter 484 [2]
For retrofitting with an activated charcoal filter, a SATA filter 464 [C] (Art.
No. 141473) is required:
1. Depressurize filter (close shut-off tap)
2. Loosen [2-1] air outlet module [D] from the dual-stage filter combina-
tion [A]/[B]
Danger! Notice!