The ideal spacing between the housing edge of the window
/ door contact and the magnet contact should be 5 mm
(see figure 6).
5.3.2 Adhesive strip mounting
When using adhesive strips, make sure that the mounting
surface is smooth, non-disturbed, free of dust, grease and
solvents and not too cold.
For mounting the window / door contact with the supplied adhesive
strip, please proceed as follows:
Attach the large double-sided adhesive strip to the back side of
the bracket (H) (see fig. 7) and press the device onto the desired
Place the magnet in the bracket at the back side and place the
back side into the housing of the magnetic contact.
When using the spacer (J), fasten the smaller adhesive strip at
the back side of the spacer (see figure 7) and attach it to the
desired position on the wall. Afterwards, place the magnet
contact on to the spacer.
Attach the small double-sided adhesive strip to the back side of
the magnet contact (I) (see fig. 7) and press the magnet contact
onto the desired position of the window.