Operation of the radiator thermostat
After teaching-in and mounting have been performed, simple opera-
tions are available directly on the device.
Temperature: Press the left (E) or right (F) push-button to manu-
ally change the temperature of the radiator. In automatic mode,
the manually set temperature will remain the same until the next
point at which the profile changes. Afterwards, the defined heating
profile will be activated again. During manual operation, the tem-
perature remains activated until the next manual change.
Boost function: Press the boost button (G) briefly to activate the
boost function for heating up the radiator quickly and briefly by
opening the valve. There will be a pleasant room temperature
right away because of the radiated heat.
Replacing batteries
If an empty battery is displayed via the app or the device, replace the
used batteries by two new batteries. You must observe the correct
battery type and polarity.
Open the battery compartment (B or M) of the device (see figure
9 or 10).
Remove the empty batteries.
Insert the new batteries making sure that they are right way
For the radiator thermostat, use two 1.5 V LR6/mignon/AA
batteries and for the door / window contact use two 1.5 V
LR03/micro/AAA batteries.
Close the battery compartment.
Operation of the radiator thermostat