Discman 2
Before lowering the edge tuning device onto a piece of winter sports
equipment, make sure that the grinding disc does not protrude
beyond the slide blocks to avoid the Discman grinding the steel
edge in an uncontrolled manner when switched on.
Lower the Discman onto the ski or snowboard with the slide blocks
and angle adjuster and push against the ski or snowboard with slight
Switch on the edge tuning device and turn the knurled nut counter-
clockwise until you see sparks appear.
Switch off the Discman, lift off the ski and check the grinding angle
Again lower the edge tuner onto the ski or snowboard with the slide
blocks and angle adjuster and push against the ski or snowboard
with slight pressure.
After switching on the Discman move the device manually from one
end of the ski or snowboard to the other.
During grinding, you can turn the knurled nut to move in the grinding
stone in case of insufficient material removal, or move out the
grinding stone in case of excessive material removal.
In working position the Discman is in stable state of balance; due to
this ergonomic handling, no force is required to move the edge
tuner; instead apply slight contact pressure and push or pull gently.