DM 2610039151 10-18.qxp_3D40 10/8/18 10:34 AM Page 32
Dremel's cloud-based platform allows you to connect to your 3D40 from any web browser. In
the platform, you can view models and projects in the Dremel 3D library, send, pause and
cancel builds, monitor build status, receive push notification updates, and more. Create a user
profile on and follow the setup steps below to get started.
Note: This feature is currently only available in the United States.
1. After launching the Dremel cloud platform
in your web browser, you will need to Log
In with your existing Dremel user
information or Social Log In or Sign Up to
create a new account.
2. Click on the "Go To Print Cloud" button to
launch the new cloud platform.
Dremel Cloud Platform
3. When you enter the cloud platform, click
on printers on the top toolbar to register
your 3D40. Register your 3D40 by
entering the token number where it says
"Registration code" and clicking "OK".
4. Your mobile device is now connected to
your 3D40.