For every item in the phone book, you can choose a code from 500 to 999, insert the external number and a name. Moreover, you can set which ap-
paratuses have to ring in case of an incoming call of the person in question. To insert a new abbreviated number, click 'New'. Click 'Remove' to delete an
existing abbreviated number.
If you wish to modify the settings for an abbreviated number, select the number by clicking it once. Then double-click on the number or click on the but-
ton 'Modify' at the bottom. After making the necessary settings, click 'Ok' to confirm, click 'Cancel' to undo the settings. In case of incorrect abbreviated
numbers, an error report is sent.
4.7.1. Setting an abbreviated number
Click 'New' or 'Modify'. The following dialog box appears.
Insert a number from 500 to 999 in the box 'Abbreviated number'. You can dial this abbreviated number from every apparatus by means of the codes
Under 'Line', you enter via which external line the number has to be dialed. 0 for arbitrary line, 1 for external line 1 and 2 for external line 2.
Enter the external telephone number under 'Number'. The max. length of the number is 16 digits. The number can contain or #. This way, you can program
an abbreviated number for e.g. activating or deactivating putting through a call (see documentation network supplier). Under 'Name', you set the name that
has to be displayed in case of an incoming call (on the apparatuses that have the calling name identification presentation service). The name can max. exist
of 16 characters (if the apparatuses can display this number of characters). Moreover, you can set which apparatuses have to ring in case of an incoming
call of a certain person. These settings overwrite the normal call allocations that were set for the external lines. If you do not want special call allocations for
a specific person, you have to make sure to NOT check off any of the boxes next to day and night or daytime overflow function!