1. GENERAL SAFETY RULES FOR RESISTANCE WELDING ...............................5
2. INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...............................................6
2.1 INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................6
2.2 STANDARD ACCESSORIES ...........................................................................6
2.3 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES .............................................................................6
3. TECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................6
3.1 RATING PLATE (FIG. A) ..................................................................................6
3.2 OTHER TECHNICAL DATA ..............................................................................6
4. SPOT WELDING MACHINE DESCRIPTION ........................................................6
4.2 CONTROL AND ADJUSTMENT DEVICES ......................................................6
4.2.1 Control panel (Fig. C) ..............................................................................6
4.3 SAFETY FUNCTIONS AND INTERLOCK........................................................6
4.3.1 Safeguards and alarms (TAB. 1) .............................................................6
5. INSTALLATION . .....................................................................................................7
5.1 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS .........................................................................7
5.2 LIFTING THE SPOT-WELDER ........................................................................7
5.3 POSITION ........................................................................................................7
5.4 CONNECTION TO THE POWER NETWORK .................................................7
5.4.1 Warnings .................................................................................................7
5.4.2 Network plug and outlet...........................................................................7
Note: In the following text the term "spot welder" will be used.
The operator should be properly trained to use the spot welder safely and
should be informed of the risks connected with resistance welding procedures,
of related protection measures and of emergency procedures.
(Only for pneumatic cylinder-operated versions) The spot welder is provided
with a main switch with emergency functions, fitted with a padlock for locking it
in the "O" (open) position.
The padlock key should be handed over only and exclusively to an expert
operator or to an operator who has been trained for the tasks assigned to
him and has been warned of the possible hazards arising from this welding
procedure and from neglectful use of the spot welder.
When the operator is absent the switch should be set to the "O" position, the
padlock should be closed and the key removed.
- Electrical installation should be carried out following accident-prevention
legislation and standards.
- The spot welder should be connected only and exclusively to a power supply
with the neutral conductor connected to earth.
- Make sure the power supply outlet is correctly connected to the earth
- Do not use cables with worn or damaged insulation or with loosened
- Use the spot welder in an ambient air temperature ranging from 5°C to 40°C,
with relative humidity equal to 50% up to a temperature of 40°C, and 90% for
temperatures up to 20°C.
- Do not use the spot welder in damp or wet environments or in the rain.
- The connection of the welding cables and any routine maintenance
operations on the arms and/or electrodes must be carried out with the spot
welder switched off and disconnected from the electric and pneumatic (if
present) power supply networks. Pneumatic cylinder-operated spot welders
should be locked with the main switch in the "O" position and the padlock
The same procedure should be followed when making connections to the
water supply or to a closed circuit cooling unit (water-cooled spot welders)
and whenever repairs are made (extraordinary maintenance).
- When using spot welders operated with pneumatic cylinder, the main switch
must be locked at "O" using the supplied lock.
The same procedure must be respected when connecting to the hydraulic
network or a closed circuit cooling unit (water cooled spot welders) and
whenever repairs (extraordinary maintenance) are carried out.
- It is forbidden to use the equipment in environments comprising areas
classed as being at risk of explosion because of the presence of gas, dust or
- Do not weld on containers, receptacles or piping that contain or have
contained flammable liquid or gas products.
- Do not operate on materials cleaned with cholorinated solvents or near such
- Do not weld on pressurised containers.
- Remove all flammable substances from the work area (e.g. wood, paper, rags
- Allow newly-welded pieces to cool! Do not leave the piece near flammable
- Make sure there is sufficient ventilation or provide means for removing
welding fumes near the electrodes; a systematic approach is necessary
to evaluate limits of exposure to the welding fumes depending on their
composition and concentration and on the length of exposure.
- Always protect the eyes with suitable eye protectors.
- Wear protective gloves and clothing suitable for resistance welding work.
- Noise levels: If the personal daily exposure level (LEPd) is found to be greater
than 85db(A) due to particularly intensive welding operations, wearing
personal protection devices is compulsory.
6. WELDING (Spot welding) . ....................................................................................7
6.1 PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS .........................................................................7
6.2 PARAMETER ADJUSTMENT (in spot welding) ..............................................7
6.3 PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................7
6.3.1 STUDDER GUN ......................................................................................7
6.3.2 Earth cable connection ............................................................................7
7. MAINTENANCE .....................................................................................................7
7.1 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE ..............................................................................7
7.2 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE ...............................................................................7
8. TROUBLESHOOTING ...........................................................................................7
- The flowing of spot welding currents generates electromagnetic fields (EMF)
around the spot welding circuit.
Electromagnetic fields can interfere with certain medical equipment (e.g. Pace-
makers, respiratory equipment, metallic prostheses etc.).
Adequate protective measures must be adopted for persons with these types of
medical apparatus. For example, they must be forbidden access to the area in
which spot welding machines are in operation.
This spot welder conforms to technical product standards for exclusive use
in an industrial environment for professional purposes. It does not assure
compliance with the basic limits relative to human exposure to electromagnetic
fields in the domestic environment.
The operator must adopt the following procedures in order to reduce exposure
to electromagnetic fields:
- Fasten the two spot welding cables (if present) as close together as possible.
- Keep head and trunk as far away as possible from the spot welding circuit.
- Never wind spot welding cables around the body.
- Avoid spot welding with the body within the spot welding circuit. Keep both
cables on the same side of the body.
- Connect the spot welding current return cable to the piece being spot welded,
as close as possible to the welding joint.
- Do not spot weld while close to, sitting on or leaning against the spot welder
(keep at least 50 cm away from it).
- Do not leave objects in ferromagnetic material in proximity of the spot
welding circuit.
- Minimum distance:
- d= 3cm, f= 50cm (Fig. E);
- d= 3cm, f= 50cm (Fig. F);
- d= 30cm (Fig. G);
- d= 20cm (Fig. H) Studder.
- Class A equipment:
This spot welder conforms to technical product standards for exclusive use
in an industrial environment and for professional purposes. It does not assure
compliance with electromagnetic compatibility in domestic dwellings and in
premises directly connected to a low-voltage power supply system feeding
buildings for domestic use.
The system was designed to be used only and exclusively in body shops to
repair vehicles: it must be used for spot welding one or more steel plates with
a low carbon content, having a shape and size that vary according to the work
to be carried out.
The operating functions of the spot welding machine do not foresee a push-
button to start the welding operation, but simply the contact of the gun electrode
with the machined piece connected to the earth: there is the risk of starting the
welding process by inadvertently placing the gun electrode on the earth or parts
connected to the same!
When the work has been completed, place the gun on an insulating surface and
switch off the machine!
Some parts of the spot welder (electrodes arms and nearby areas) may reach
temperatures of over 65°C: suitable protective clothing must be worn.
Allow newly-welded pieces to cool before touching them.
- Place the spot welder on a level horizontal surface that is able to support
its weight; confine the spot welder to the support surface (when required
in the "INSTALLATION" section of this manual). Otherwise with inclined
or uneven floors or moveable supporting surfaces there is the danger of
- Never lift the spot welder unless explicitly required by the "INSTALLATION"
- 5 -