Before you turn the controller on, get into the position that is most
comfortable for you. You should remain in position until your treatment
session is fi nished.
Position A:
To optimise the results from a treatment session, it is highly recommended
that you remain standing with your feet fl at on the fl oor, shoulder width
apart. You should tilt slightly forward and stand near a surface to lean on if
required (Fig. 13).
If standing, you may move a little during the treatment to help you remain
comfortable, but you should avoid moving too much as this may interfere
with the effectiveness of the treatment. However, if you wish to move to a
different location, you should pause the session, move to the new location
and then resume the session.
Position B:
Where standing for 30 minutes is diffi cult, you can carry out the treatment session in the crook lying position,
which is lying on your back with your legs bent at the knee, shoulder-width apart and with your feet fl at (Fig. 14).
To help support your back while crook lying, you can relax your quad muscles by just letting the weight of your
Fig. 12
thighs sink gently outwards into your hip sockets. This will help you to maintain a small anterior tilt of your pelvis,
which has the effect of slightly arching your lower back.
Fig. 12
Fig. 14
Position C:
Fig. 13
The crook lying position can also be carried out with your back slightly raised (Fig. 15). Ensure the legs are bent at
the knee and that your feet are fl at.
Fig. 13
Fig. 15
Fig. 13
Fig. 11
Fig. 11