Step 4: While holding the second band,
detach the next band. Secure the second
band and continue this process with the
other bands, going up the leg.
Step 5: The garment should lay flat and
wrinkle free against the leg. Adjust each
band to a firm and comfortable
compression level. Ensure that the
bands are placed in an alternating order.
Step 6: Once all bands are secured,
inspect the garment for any gaps or
creases. Adjust the bands as necessary.
The legging should never hurt. If any
pain is being experienced, the legging
should be removed immediately and a
physician should be contacted.
Once the correct pressure is set using
the BPS card, you may fold the top and
bottom part of the circaid undersleeve
over the top and bottom edge of the
circaid juxtafit garment.
Step 7: Donning the circaid compression
First fold the bottom part of the circaid
undersleeve over the bottom edge of the
circaid garment. Slide the circaid
compression anklet onto the foot and
ensure that it is pulled high enough so
that it overlaps with the circaid juxtafit
garment. Ensure that there are no
wrinkles in the anklet.
Doffing the circaid® juxtafit®
essentials lower leg
To remove the garment, remove the
circaid compression anklet first. Then
unfold the circaid undersleeve. Detach
all bands of the legging starting with the
top band. Fold each band onto itself to
keep the Velcro tabs lint-free. Remove
the garment and then remove the
circaid undersleeve.
Donning the circaid® juxtafit®
essentials upper leg with knee:
Step 1: Slide the circaid undersleeve
whole leg up to the groin. Ensure that
there are no wrinkles in the sock.
Step 2: Align the circaid juxtafit upper
leg with knee just below the groin. The
black side of the material should face the
skin. Make sure that the lateral rise of
the garment is positioned on the lateral
side of the upper leg.
Step 3: Unroll the top two bands and
loosely secure them far enough below
the groin as to not cause discomfort.
This will anchor the legging in place and
enable you to easily raise or lower the
garment for correct positioning.
Step 4: Unroll the bottom two bands and
secure the bottom most band to the
outside of the legging to a firm and
comfortable compression level.
Step 5: While holding the second band,
detach the next band. Secure the second
band and continue this process with the
other bands, going up the leg.
Step 6: The garment should lay flat and
wrinkle free against the leg. Adjust each
band to a firm and comfortable
compression level. Ensure that the
bands are placed in an alternating order.
Step 7: Once all bands are secured,
inspect the garment for any gaps or
creases. Adjust the bands as necessary.
The legging should never hurt. If any
pain is being experienced, the legging
should be removed immediately and a
physician should be contacted.