Thanks you for choosing our product.
Our manufacturer are renowned specialists in the development and production of uninterruptible power supplies
(UPS). The UPS in this range are high quality products, designed and built with care in order to give you the best
This equipment can be installed by anyone, subject to CAREFULLY AND THOROUGHLY READING
The manual contains detailed instructions on how to use and install the UPS.
For information on using and getting the best performance from your UPS, this manual should be kept
safely in the vicinity of the UPS and CONSULTED BEFORE TAKING ANY ACTION ON THE UPS.
© Reproduction of any part of this manual, including partial, is strictly prohibited without the prior consent of the manufacturer.
For the purpose of improving it, the manufacturer reserves the right to modify the product described herein at any time and without notice.
Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States
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