Procedimento di saldatura: descrizione comandi e
Una volta che hai eseguito tutti i passi della "messa in funzione", accendi la saldatrice e
procedi nelle regolazioni.
Regolazione corrente di saldatura
Seleziona la corrente di saldatura in base all'elettrodo al giunto ed alla posizione di
Indicativamente le correnti da utilizzare per i vari diametri di elettrodo sono quelle elencate
nella Fig.4.
Per innescare l'arco di saldatura con l'elettrodo rivestito, strofinalo sul pezzo da saldare
ed appena innescato l'arco tienilo costantemente ad una distanza pari al diametro
dell'elettrodo ed inclinato di circa 20 - 30 gradi nel senso dell'avanzamento.
Per innescare l'arco di saldatura con la torcia TIG, assicurati che la valvola del gas di
protezione sia aperta. Con un movimento rapido e deciso tocca e subito allontana la
punta dell'elettrodo dal pezzo che vuoi saldare.
Spia di segnalazione intervento termico "F"
La spia accesa significa che la protezione termica è in funzione.
Se superi il servizio di saldatura "X" riportato nella targa tecnica un protettore
termico interrompe il lavoro prima che la saldatrice sia danneggiata. Aspetta finché il
funzionamento è ripristinato e possibilmente aspetta ancora qualche minuto.
Se il protettore termico interviene continuamente, significa che stai chiedendo prestazioni
eccessive alla saldatrice.
"Hot start"
La saldatrice è dotata di un dispositivo automatico che facilita l'innesco dell'arco
aumentando solo in quell'istante la corrente.
La saldatrice è dotata di un dispositivo automatico che interrompe la corrente pochi
secondi dopo aver avvertito che l'elettrodo è rimasto incollato al pezzo da saldare. In
questo modo l'elettrodo non si arroventa.
Consigli per l'uso
Utilizza una prolunga elettrica solo quando è necessario e purché sia di sezione pari o
superiore a quella del cavo d'alimentazione e dotate del conduttore di terra.
Non bloccare le prese d'aria della saldatrice. Non racchiuderla in contenitori o scaffali
senza adeguata ventilazione.
Non utilizzare la saldatrice in ambienti contenenti: gas, vapori, polveri conduttive (es.
limatura di ferro), aria salmastra, fumi caustici ed altri agenti che possano danneggiare
le parti metalliche e gli isolamenti elettrici.
Le parti elettriche della saldatrice sono state trattate con resine protettive. Al primo
utilizzo potresti notare del fumo; si tratta della resina che si essicca completamente.
La fuoriuscita di fumo durerà solo per alcuni minuti.
Spegni la saldatrice ed estrai la spina dalla presa d'alimentazione prima di effettuare
operazioni di manutenzione.
Manutenzione straordinaria effettuabile da personale esperto o qualificato in ambito
elettromeccanico periodicamente, in funzione dell'uso. (Applicare la norma EN 60974-4)
• Ispeziona l'interno della saldatrice e rimuovi la polvere depositata sulle parti elettriche
(usa aria compressa) e sulle schede elettroniche (usa una spazzola molto morbida o
dei prodotti appropriati). • Verifica che le connessioni elettriche siano ben serrate e che i
cablaggi non abbiano l'isolante danneggiato.
Instruction Manual
Read this instruction manual carefully before using the welding machine.
The MMA and TIG coated electrode arc welding systems referred to herein as "welding
machines" are for industrial and professional use.
Make sure that the welding machine is installed and repaired only by qualified persons or
experts, in compliance with the law and with the accident prevention regulations.
Make sure that the operator is trained in the use and risks connected to the arc-welding
processs and in the necessary measures of protection and emergency procedures.
Detailed information can be found in the "Installation and use of arc-welding equipment"
brochure: IEC or CLC/TS 62081.
Safety warnings
Make sure that the power socket to which the welding machine is connected is protected
by suitable safety devices (fuses or automatic switch) and that it is grounded.
Make sure that the plug and power cable are in good condition.
Before plugging into the power socket, make sure that the welding machine is switched off.
Switch the welding machine off and pull the plug out of the power socket as soon as
you have finished working.
Switch the welding machine off and pull the plug out of the power socket before connecting
the welding cables, installing the continuous wire, replacing any parts in the torch or
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wire feeder, carrying out maintenance operations, or moving it (use the carrying handle
on the welding machine).
Do not touch any electrified parts with bare skin or wet clothing. Insulate yourself from the
electrode, the piece to be welded and any grounded accessible metal parts. Use gloves,
footwear and clothing designed for this purpose and dry, non-flammable insulating mats.
Use the welding machine in a dry, ventilated space. Do not expose the welding machine
to rain or direct sunshine.
Use the welding machine only if all panels and guards are in place and mounted correctly.
Do not use the welding machine if it has been dropped or struck, as it may not be safe.
Have it checked by a qualified person or an expert.
Eliminate any welding fumes through appropriate natural ventilation or using a smoke
exhauster. A systematic approach must be used to assess the limits of exposure to
welding fumes, depending on their composition, concentration and the length of exposure.
Do not weld materials that have been cleaned with chloride solvents or that have been
near such substances.
Use a welding mask with adiactinic glass suited for welding. Replace the mask if
damaged; it may let in radiation.
Wear fireproof gloves, footwear and clothing to protect the skin from the rays produced
by the welding arc and from sparks. Do not wear greasy garments as a spark could set
fire to them. Use protective screens to protect people nearby.
Do not allow bare skin to come into contact with hot metal parts, such as the torch,
electrode holder grippers, electrode stubs, or freshly welded pieces.
Metal-working gives off sparks and splinters. Wear safety goggles with protective side
eye guards.
Welding sparks can trigger fires.
Do not weld or cut anywhere near inflammable materials, gasses or vapours.
Do not weld or cut containers, cylinders, tanks or piping unless a qualified technician or
expert has checked that it is possible to do so, or has made the appropriate preparations.
Remove the electrode from the electrode holder gripper when you have completed
the welding operations. Make sure that no part of the electrode holder gripper electric
circuit touches the ground or earth circuits: accidental contact could cause overheating
or trigger a fire.
EMF Electromagnetic Fields.
Welding current creates electromagnetic fields (EMF) near the welding circuits and the
welder. Electromagnetic fields may interfere with medical prostheses such as pacemakers.
Suitable and sufficient measures should be implemented to protect those operators
having such aids. For instance, they should not be allowed to enter that area where
welding equipment is used. Any operator having such aids should consult their doctor
before coming close to an area where welding equipment is used.
This device meets the specific requirements of the product technical standard and is
intended for professional use in an industrial environment only. Compliance to expected
limits for human exposure to electromagnetic fields at home is not ensured.
Follow these strategies to minimise exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF):
Do not place your body between the welding cables. Both welding cables should be on
the same side of your body.
Twist both welding cables together and secure them with tape when possible.
Do not wrap the welding cables around your body.
Connect the earth cable to the workpiece as close as possible to the area to be welded.
Keep your head and trunk as far as possible from the welding circuit. Do not work close to
the welder, or seated or leaning on it. Minimum distance: Fig. 6 Da = cm 50; Db = cm.20
Class A equipment
This equipment has been designed to be used in professional and industrial environments.
If this equipment is used in domestic environments and those directly connected to a
low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes,
it may be difficult to ensure compliance to electromagnetic compatibility as the result of
conducted or radiated disturbances.
Welding in conditions of risk
If welding needs to be done in conditions of risk (electric discharges, suffocation, the
presence of inflammable or explosive materials), make sure that an authorised expert
evaluates the conditions beforehand. Make sure that trained people are present who
can intervene in the event of an emergency. Use the protective equipment described in
5.10; A.7; A.9 of the IEC or CLC/TS 62081 technical specification.
If you are required to work in a position raised above ground level, always use a safety
If more than one welding machine has to be used on the same piece, or in any case on
pieces connected electrically, the sum of the no-load voltages on the electrode holders
or on the torches may exceed the safety levels. Make sure that an authorised expert
evaluates the conditions beforehand to see if such risk exists and adopt the protective
measures described in 5.9 of the IEC or CLC/TS 62081 technical specification if required.
Additional warnings.
Do not use the welding machine for purposes other than those described, for example
to thaw frozen water pipes.
Place the welding machine on a flat stable surface, and make sure that it cannot move.
It must be positioned in such a way as to allow it to be controlled during use but without
the risk of being covered with welding sparks.
Do not work with the welding machine hung from the body, using straps or any other
Do not lift the welding machine. No lifting devices are fitted on the machine.
Do not use cables with damaged insulation or loose connections.