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Ariens Promaster 144Z Manual Del Propietário página 9


Idiomas disponibles

Idiomas disponibles

Useextracarewhen loading or unloading u nitontotraileror
Secure unitchassis totransport vehicle. N EVER secure
fromrodsor linkages thatcouldbedamaged.
DONOTtransport m achine w hileengine is running.
ALWAYS t urnoffpower t oattachment andshutofffuelwhen
transporting u nit.
Keepunitfreeof debris. C lean upoilorfuelspills.
Thisproduct i sequipped withaninternal combustion t ype
engine. D ONOTuseunitonor nearanyunimproved,
forest-covered orbrush covered landunless exhaust s ystem
is equipped w itha sparkarrester m eeting applicable l ocal,
stateorfederal l aws. A sparkarrester, ifit is used, m ustbe
maintained i n effective w orking orderbyoperator.
Fuelis highly flammable a nditsvaporsareexplosive.
Handle withcare.Useanapproved f uelcontainer.
NOsmoking, NOsparks, N Oflames. A LWAYS a llowengine
to coolbefore servicing.
NEVER fill fueltankwhenengine is running or hotfrom
NEVER fill or drain fueltankindoors.
Replace f uelcapsecurely andcleanupspilled fuel.
Never f illcontainers i nsidea vehicle or ona truckor trailer
bedwitha plastic liner.Always placecontainers onthe
ground awayfromyourvehiclebefore filling.
Whenpractical, r emove gas-powered equipment fromthe
truckor trailer a ndrefuel i tontheground. I f thisis not
possible, thenrefuel s uchequipment ona trailerwitha
portable container, rather t hanfroma gasoline dispenser
Keep the nozzle in contact withtherimofthefueltankor
container opening atalltimesuntilfuelingis complete. Do
notusea nozzle lock-open d evice.
Iffuelis spilled onclothing, change clothing immediately.
AvoidElectric Shock. O bjects contacting b othbattery
terminals atthesame timemayresultininjuryandunit
damage. DONOTreverse battery connections.
Reverse c onnections m ayresultinsparks whichcancause
serious injury. A lways connect p ositive (+)leadofcharger t o
positive (+)terminal, a ndnegative (-)leadto negative (-)
ALWAYS d isconnect negative (-)cableFIRST andpositive
(+)cableSECOND. ALWAYS c onnect p ositive (+)cable
FIRST, andnegative (-)cableSECOND.
Explosive G ases frombattery cancause deathorserious
injury. P oisonous b attery fluidcontains sulfuric acidandits
contact withskin,eyesor clothing cancause severe
chemical burns.
Noflames, N osparks, N osmoking nearbattery.
ALWAYS w earsafety glasses andprotective g earnear
battery. Useinsulated t ools.
DONOTTIPbattery beyond a 45° angleinanydirection.
ALWAYS k eepbatteries o utofreach of children.
Battery posts, t erminals a ndrelated accessories contain
leadandleadcompounds, chemicals k nown totheState of
California t ocause cancer a ndreproductive harm. W ash
hands afterhandling.
ALWAYS b lockwheels andknowalljackstandsarestrong
andsecure andwillholdweight o f unitduringmaintenance.
Release pressure s lowly fromcomponents withstored
NEVER attempt t omakeanyadjustments tounitwhile
engine isrunning (except w here specifically r ecommended).
Stopengine, r emove keyor sparkplugwireandwaitforall
moving parts to stopbeforeservicing orcleaning.
Check parking brakeoperation f requently. Adjust a nd
service as required.
ALWAYS m aintain unitinsafeoperating c ondition. Damaged
orwornoutmuffler c ancause fireorexplosion.
Maintain or replace safety andinstruction l abels, a s
NEVER storeunitwithfuelinfueltank,insidea building
whereanyignition sources arepresent.
Shutofffuelandallowengine to coolcompletely b efore
storing inclosed areaor covering unit.
Cleangrassanddebris fromunit,especially f romaround
muffler a ndengine, t o helpprevent fires.
Forextended storage, shutofffuelandclean unitthoroughly.
Seeengine manual forproper storage.
Lower cutting deckunless a positive mechanical lockis
Useonlyattachments or accessories designed f oryourunit.
Check allhardware a t regular i ntervals, especially b lade
attachment bolts.Keepallhardware p roperly tightened.
Check attachment components frequently. If wornor
damaged, replace withmanufacturer's recommended parts.
GB- 9

