Página Actualización de software y opciones
Utilice la página Software Upgrade (Actualización de software) para ver la versión instalada actualmente del software
del sistema DR Series en el panel Software Information (Información del software), o para aplicar actualizaciones al
sistema. Existen dos métodos que puede usar para ver la página Software Upgrade (Actualización de software):
Usando la página Support (Asistencia), haga clic en Software Upgrade (Actualización de software).
Usando el panel de navegación, seleccione Support (Asistencia) → Software Upgrade (Actualización de
Ambos métodos muestran la página Software Upgrade (Actualización de software), donde podrá verificar la versión
actualmente instalada, comprobar el historial de actualizaciones de versiones de software previamente instaladas,
comprobar la dirección IP del iDRAC (si hay uno en uso), iniciar el proceso de actualización, o reiniciar el sistema DR
Series con las opciones de esta página.
NOTA: Durante la actualización de software del sistema DR Series, el estado de actualización "starting"
("iniciando") permanece visible durante casi toda la duración del proceso de actualización del software. El proceso
de actualización del sistema no finaliza completamente hasta que el estado de actualización del sistema DR Series
cambia a "almost done" ("casi terminado").
Verifying the Current Software Version
To verify the currently installed version of the DR Series system software, complete the following:
NOTA: You can verify the version of the installed DR Series system software in the Dashboard page (in the System
Information pane), the Support page (in the Support Information pane), and the Software Upgrade page (in the
Software Information pane).
The following procedure documents the process from the Software Upgrade page.
In the navigation panel, select Support and click Software Upgrade (or select Support→ Software Upgrade).
The Software Upgrade page is displayed.
Verify the currently installed DR Series system software version listed as Current Version in the Software
Information pane (all previously installed versions are listed under Upgrade History, showing the version number
and timestamp when installed).
Upgrading the DR Series System Software
To upgrade the DR Series system software, complete the following:
NOTA: The DR Series system only supports the copying of upgrade images and diagnostics files to and from the
system using WinSCP. The DR Series system does not support the copying or deleting of any other file types using
WinSCP. To use WinSCP to copy DR Series software upgrade and diagnostics log files, ensure that the File
Protocol mode is set to SCP (Secure Copy) mode.
NOTA: You can use other SCP tools with the DR Series system, but you cannot use these other SCP tools to copy
other types of files to or from the DR Series system.
Using the browser, go to support.dell.com, navigate to the DR4000 product page, and enter your service tag.
In the Dell DR Series Drivers & Downloads page, click Find Drivers & Downloads.
The Drivers & Downloads page displays a listing of downloadable firmware, utilities, applications, and drivers for
the DR Series system.
Locate the IDM section of the Drivers & Downloads page, which includes the Dell-Utility (DR Series Upgrade File) in
the format, DR4x00-x.x.x.x-xxxxx.tar.gz, and showing its release date and version.