In case of thicker strands the contact area will be too small and the
resulting high contact resistance will cause severe overheating,
eventually resulting in fire.
3. Installation
3.1 General
● Mount vertically on a non-flammable surface, with the power
terminals facing downwards.
● Mount close to the battery, but never directly above the battery
(in order to prevent damage due to gassing of the battery).
● Grounding: the heatsink of the controller should be connected
to the grounding point.
Tr models: use flexible multistranded copper cable for the battery and PV
connections: see safety instructions.
MC4 models: several splitter pairs will be needed to parallel the strings of
solar panels.
3.2 PV configuration
● The controllers will operate only if the PV voltage exceeds
battery voltage (Vbat).
● PV voltage must exceed Vbat + 5V for the controller to start.
Thereafter minimum PV voltage is Vbat + 1V.
● Maximum open circuit PV voltage: 150V.
The controllers can be used with any PV configuration that satisfies the three
above mentioned conditions.
For example:
24V battery and mono- or polycristalline panels
● Minimum number of cells in series: 72 (2x 12V panel in series
or one 24V panel).
● Recommended number of cells for highest controller
efficiency: 144 cells (4x 12V panel or 2x 24V panel in series).
● Maximum: 216 cells (6x 12V or 3x 24V panel in series).
48V battery and mono- or polycristalline panels
● Minimum number of cells in series: 144
(4x 12V panel or 2x 24V panel in series).
● Maximum: 216 cells.
Remark: at low temperature the open circuit voltage of a 216 cell solar array
may exceed 150V, depending on local conditions and cell specifications. In
that case the number of cells in series must be reduced.