PŽriodes dÕarr•t prolongŽ
Pendant les pŽriodes o• lÕappareil nÕest pas en mar-
che, placez lÕinterrupteur gŽnŽral E sur la position
Ò0Ó, laissez dŽgivrer lÕappareil et nettoyez-le
Pendant tout ce temps, laissez les portes
entrouvertes pour permettre une bonne aŽration et
Žviter ainsi la formation de mauvaises odeurs.
Remplacement des ampoules
Enlevez la fiche de la prise de courant avant dÕeffec-
tuer le remplacement dÕune ampoule quelconque.
Compartiment rŽfrigŽrateur:
Le remplacement sÕeffectue en enlevant le diffuseur.
Utilisez des ampoules de 15 W max.
Compartiment congŽlateur:
Pour accŽder aux ampoules, retirez les couvercles
situŽs dans le fidduseurs.
Employez des ampoules de 12 W max.
Refrigerator compartment
Do not place hot food or drinks in the refrigerator;
wait until they trave cooled to room temperature.
Always cover foods, especially those which are
strong-smelling or aromatic.
Place foods so that air can circuiate freely round
The thermostat position may be adjusted to
compensate for temperature variations due to:
The frequency with which the doors are opened.
Difference in ambient temperature.
Quantity of food being stored.
To make the best use of available space, the front
half-shelves may be stacked on top of the rear
To achieve automatic defrosting of the refrigerator,
the compressor must cut out from time to time. If the
bottom of the compartment becomes covered with
too much frost, turn the thermostat knob slowly
towards a warmer setting until the compressor starts
to cut out peri˜dically.
Drinks dispenser
The ideal way to trave cool drinks Çon tapÈ.
Take a bottle of your favourite drink and fit the
special dispenser top.
Place the bottle upside down in the holder on the
inside of the door and secure it with clamp B.
Press the glass gently against the tab to dispense
If the dispenser will not fit the bottle, use special
adaptor A, supplied with the appliance.
To ensure proper operation, it is general best to
avoid dispensing freshly squeezed fruit juice
Wash the dispenser from time to time.