The signal provider is the exclusive responsible in the accuracy of the orbital
position. PROMAX ELECTRONICA, S.A. only extracts and shows the information
contained in the detected signal.
At first, it could be that the equipment could not detect a signal with a valid
transport stream and therefore it will appear the
corner and the name of the test point memorised. If later on, the equipment achieves to
synchronize, it will update the services list and the colour of the symbol shown will
change to
4.2.3 Antenna Adjustment for Optimum Signal Quality (3> ADJUST)
Once the antenna has been positioned in order to receive the maximum power
and you have checked that the antenna is pointing the right satellite, the antenna and
the LNB have to be adjusted to achieve the maximum MER level, and therefore the best
quality at reception.
The adjustment (ADJUST) function shows the information regarding the signal
quality. You should select the 3> ADJUST function pressing the key
signal with a valid transport stream is detected, the SATHUNTER shows
at the top right corner, depending on the type of the satellite signal. This function
measures the ratio between the DVB average power and the noise average in a
constellation (MER). It also measures the error rate in a DVB signal, before the
correction process (CBER). Once all the measurements are done (approximately after 5
s), they will be displayed on the screen in a graphical and alphanumerical way (see
figure 11). At the top line of the screen it keeps displaying the battery level, the
measured LNB voltage and whether the 22 kHz signal is present or not.
Page 18
Figure 11.- Adjust function screen
symbol at the top right
[3]. When a