screw two or three turns.
Remove hose from A port on eccentric
motor. Inst ll pressure g uge (0-5000 psi)
directly to hose (de dhe ding).
Sit on se t to test eccentric, st rt engine,
flip vib rocker switch to eccentric motor
th t is being tested.
Move throttle to full RPM shift forw rd/
reverse lever to forw rd nd turn vibe
switch on. Check hydr ulic relief pressure,
should be 2500 psi , turn vib off, shift to neutr l. Idle engine down for couple of minutes.
Check other eccentric motor the s me w y m king sure to flip vibe switch for eccentric
motor being tested. M ke ny necess ry rep irs s needed. Re- tt ch hydr ulic hose to A
port of eccentric motor, check for ny le ks.
e-Setting Pump By-Pass
Turn set screw (Illustr tion ) in two or three turns. Torque to 12.5ft-lbs (17.5Nm)
Testing Vibration Speed
Test vibr tion with both drums on soft ground. Run engine t full RPM to obt in vibe
100 - check per below.
To check vibr tion with vibrot ch, pl ce the vibrot ch on the vibr ting member surf ce,
record re ding when the wire re ches m ximum movement. (Vibrot ch P/N 37891).
When checking vibr tion with strobe light, pl ce horizont l line on the vibr ting member
surf ce. Check with strobe light record re ding when the line re ches minimum movement.
Servicing Battery
Battery gas can explode. Keep sparks and flames away from batteries. Use a flashlight
Never check battery charge by placing a metal object across the posts. Use a voltmeter
Always remove grounded NEGATIVE (-) battery clamp first and replace it last.
On regul r b tteries, check electrolyte level. Fill e ch cell to bottom of filler neck
with distilled w ter.
Keep b tteries cle n by wiping them with d mp cloth. Keep ll connections cle n
nd tight. Remove ny corrosion, nd w sh termin ls with solution of 1 p rt
b king sod
nd 4 p rts w ter. Tighten ll connections securely.
Co t b ttery termin ls nd connectors with mixture of petroleum jelly nd b king
sod to ret rd corrosion.
Keep b ttery fully ch rged, especi lly during cold we ther. If b ttery ch rger is
to check battery electrolyte level.
or hydrometer.
A port