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We recommend to thoroughly clean the garden pond to ensure almost maintenance-free operation of
the FiltoMatic CWS from the very beginning. OASE's recommendation for this cleaning work is the use
of the pond sludge suction unit Pondovac. In general, cleaning work can be omitted when the FiltoMatic
CWS is used in a newly installed garden pond.
Installing the FiltoMatic CWS (Figure D,E)
Plan the installation of the FiltoMatic CWS. Careful planning and taking the environmental conditions
into account will lead to optimum operating conditions for the FiltoMatic CWS. The following points can
help you with your planning.
A water course guarantees optimum water return from the FiltoMatic CWS to the garden pond. In
this manner, the filtered pond water is enriched with oxygen prior to returning to the pond. Should
the local situation not allow the installation of a water course, extend the outlet using a DN70 pipe for
the filtered water to return to the pond via the pipe. Please refer to the Installation chapter for the
installation of a DN70 pipe.
Horizontal alignment of the FiltoMatic CWS is crucial to prevent drainage of the pond in the event of
an overflow. Carry out the alignment using a spirit level.
Take the large volume of the FiltoMatic CWS as well as the resulting weight when filled into account.
Select a suitable ground or a bottom slab in the pit to prevent the FiltoMatic CWS from sagging.
Plan sufficient space for movement to be able to carry out cleaning and maintenance work.
Dig a suitably dimensioned pit for the installation of FiltoMatic CWS (Figure D). Take into
consideration that the FiltoMatic CWS can be buried up to the top recess (Figure E, height c).
Please use the following table as a basis for the pit dimensions:
FiltoMatic 3000 CWS
FiltoMatic 6000 CWS
FiltoMatic 12000 CWS
Fill the container (3) with water prior to backfilling the soil to avoid compressing the container.
Route the DN40 pipe end for the dirty water outlet at a distance from the pond that prevents the
pumped out dirty water from flowing back into the pond.
Pos: 120 /Alle Produkte/Dummy_module/===== Seitenwechsel ===== @ 0\mod_1125648978015_0.doc @ 1631 @
approx. 50 cm
approx. 50 cm
approx. 50 cm
approx. 50 cm
approx. 50 cm
approx. 70 cm
- GB -
c (+ bottom slab height)
approx. 30 cm
approx. 50 cm
approx. 50 cm