For example if in P1 the temperature. Press the
seconds to open a menu, use the
through the various options displayed At the USERS MENU option,
to access the "Regol.Min"
and "Regol.Max" parameters (Illustr. 10-11).
For example, if the target temperature for P1 is 100°C, and
"Regol.Max" is 10°C, the new target temperature would become
110°C. In practice, this does not only resolve problems deriving from
draw, but also those connected with the quality of wood used, which
also determines the tendency for the glass to become dirty.
Lean combustion (combustion in the absence of oxygen) generates
more unburnt material, responsible for dirtying the glass. To prevent
this occurrence, always start the fireplace at full power, reducing it
later if necessary (if in manual mode).
The damper opens instantly and automatically thanks to a sensor fit-
ted on the door; this increases the draw preventing smoke from esca-
ping. The weather conditions, the quality of the flue installed, the
wood used, etc. may still cause a small amount of smoke. To prevent
this from occurring open the door in two consecutive steps: start by
opening the door by 15 cm, then once the smoke damper is open
and air starts to circulate the door can be fully opened.
In the event of a power blackout the weight of the damper causes it
to open immediately preventing potentially hazardous conditions
such as a build up of unburnt gases inside the firebox.
It is strongly recommended not to open the door when the fireplace
is in use, as this would inhibit the door sensor and the safety devices
would not work correctly. The "STOP FIRE" function mentioned pre-
viously serves an important purpose, making the fireplace safe in the
event that any embers are left inside. Burning embers produce a
large amount of carbon monoxide, hazardous to human health.
Carbon monoxide is also an explosive gas when mixed with oxygen.
FIRETRONIX offers a complete solution to these problems, closing
the primary air inlet and fully opening the flue. Another safety featu-
re is the buzzer that goes off a few seconds after the door is opened;
it warns the user of a potentially hazardous situation caused by the
emission of carbon monoxide. The only way to turn it off is to close
the door. If the fire is lit without enabling the electronic system
manually using the button,
smoke temperature exceeds a given temperature; in this way the pro-
cess is always controlled by the electronic circuit board. To avoid
safety problems, never disconnect the electric power supply from the
In the event of problems with the flame or other issues, please con-
tact an EDILKAMIN dealer; they will help you define the most suita-
ble operating parameters for your specific installation.
The only difference between the forced ventilation model and the natural convection model is that the latter is not equipped with
an 800 m³/h fan.
In addition the logogram and relative heating air circulation programming menu are disabled.
A kit is available for converting a natural convection model (N) to a forced ventilation model (V).
key for 2
. keys to scroll
it is enabled automatically when the
Illustr. 10
Illustr. 11