Barcelona, Spain | +34 937 63 79 51
About Unlimited:
Unlimited was founded in 2016 in Barcelona by long-time
friends with shared interests in board sports, motor sports,
and cycling as well as a passion for engineering. Unlimited
is dedicated to developing a modular and connected
electric powertrain platform for use across multiple Light
Electric Vehicles including skateboards, scooters, and
e-bikes. We are very excited to partner with Loaded. We
believe that through the combination of our technology
with their fun and thoughtful boards we can provide the
best user experience in electric skateboards.
Culver City, CA, USA | +1 310 839 1800
About Loaded and Orangatang:
Loaded Boards and Orangatang Wheels have been making
high-performance skateboard decks and wheels since
2002 and 2008, respectively. We're excited to have a
driving role in an e-skate endeavor, and we have extensive
experience with electric skateboards (including building all
Boosted V1 and V2 decks and wheels, as well as supplying
wheels to many of the premier electric skateboard brands).
We're blown away by the performance and ingenuity of
Unlimited's design and the vibe and culture of the Unlimited
team. As of 2019, we've partnered exclusively with Unlimited
to bring the latest version of their electric powertrain (now
featuring Orangatang wheels and motor liners) to the
world. We're excited by Unlimited's vision and are stoked to
collaborate on future development with them.