Account Information
Customer Welcome Packet - This packet will be provided to
you at time of install. It contains important paperwork that
should be read immediately. Follow-up is needed as
Lease - The lease agreement is your contract with SensO-Lock of
America. It contains important information
regarding all terms and conditions of your use of our
equipment. Please read it carefully. If you have any
questions, please contact us immediately.
Certificate of Installation - Upon completion of the
installation, the technician will sign your Certificate of
Installation indicating that the device is now operational in
your vehicle.
Installation Checklist - This checklist indicates that you
have read and understand the terms of your agreement and
the use of the IID device.
Addendum A Recurring Payment Authorization - This
form authorizes the use of your debit or credit card for
charges associated with the IID during your mandatory term.
Please provide the card number, the expiration date of the
card and sign the form.
NOTE: Completed copies of all of the above-mentioned
forms must be returned to Sens-O-Lock of America within
14 days from the date of installation. If not received within
that timeframe, a missing documents fee will be assessed.