Removing the Ignition
Interlock Device
Before you can schedule an IID removal, Sens-O-Lock of
America must receive written approval from your mandating
state jurisdiction stating that you are eligible to have the device
removed. If you are on Conditional Discharge, you must provide
a copy of your Certificate of Completion before scheduling your
Step 1. Approximately 30 days prior to the projected end date of
your lease, a Sens-O-Lock of America Removal Specialist will
contact you via email or letter explaining the removal process for
your mandating state. Upon receipt of this letter, please call the
Removal Specialist to provide them with the actual date of your
authorized removal and a copy of your removal authorization. If
your term has been extended by the mandating jurisdiction, please
inform the Removal Specialist so that your lease can be extended
for the appropriate period of time.
Step 2. The Removal Specialist will place a work order with your
Sens-O-Lock of America Service Center for the device removal.
All removal fees must be paid prior to the work order being placed.
Removal charges are outlined in your Lease Agreement.
Step 3. Call the Sens-O-Lock of America Service Center to make
your removal appointment. They are the only authorized personnel
approved for this work. Removal by any other entity that results
in damage to the IID system will require that you pay for repairs/
replacement of the equipment.
Step 4. Once the removal is completed you will be asked to sign
a removal checklist by the service center. Please complete and
sign the document verifying that all equipment has been removed
and is present for return to Sens-O-Lock of America. You will
be charged for any missing equipment that is not returned at
this time. A list of all equipment provided at time of installation is
provided in your Lease Agreement along with the associated costs
if this equipment is not returned.