17. Declaration of conformity
Issued by
Eltastrasse 6
78532 Tuttlingen (Germany)
for the products
VITO® 30, VITO®50, VITO®80
EU Patent No. 1326692
U.S. Patent No. US7.052.605.B2
The professional oil-filtration-equipment is manufactured and tested according to the following standards:
For the purposes of the EC – Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, were designed and manufactured.
This declaration applies to all identical copies of the product.
The following harmonized standards are applied:
DIN EN 12100, Safety of machinery, equipment and facilities
DIN EN 60204.1, electrical equipment for industrial machinery
The product, mentioned above, meets the following basic requirements that laid down in Council Directive on the
approximation of the laws of the member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility (2004/108/EC).
The following standards are applied:
EN 55014-1:2006 electromagnetic compatibility, electromagnetic interference
EN55014-2:1997 + A1:2001 electromagnetic compatibility, immunity
EN 61003-2:2006 devices with analog inputs, limits, devices <16A
EN 61003-3:2008 voltage fluctuation devices <16A
Tuttlingen, December 08, 2014
Andreas Schmidt
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