This section will discuss the use of PROMAX Electronica. We hope this would be
beneficial to your operation.
5.1 Connector Insertion Loss
To measure the insertion loss of a connector, a PROLITE-90 stabilized laser
source and an optical power meter are needed PROLITE-23. Please follow the
procedure described below:
1. Initialisation: Connect the PROLITE-90 laser source to the PROLITE-23
optical power meter using a suitable optical jumper cable with a length of 2 to
3 meters to measure the actual optical power of stabilized laser source, as
shown in figure 10.
Figure 10.- Initial connection of connector insertion loss testing
2. Check the instrument status: Ensure that the source is in Continuous Wave
(CW) output mode. Set the optical power to the appropriate wavelength (using
the [λ] key) and to dBm units (using the [dB/dBm] key). Note that only under
the dBm mode, the reference power value can be set.
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