CAUTION! A pressure retaining fill cap can be used to reduce fuel loss through
evaporation, but note that it will reduce the flow rate.
CAUTION! Threaded pipe joints and connections should be sealed with the
appropriate sealant or sealant tape to prevent the possibility of leaks.
WARNING! The 3200 series pump is designed primarily for use with stationary
tank applications. While the DC design makes it an excellent choice for mobile
applications, anchoring the tank to which the pump is mounted is paramount to
ensure no movement in transit. Failure to secure the tank to the vehicle can
cause uncontrolled movement, resulting in damage, injury, and potential fire.
Typical Skid Tank Installation
The 3200 series pump mounts to the bung of a skid tank by way of the inlet flange. The
suction tube threads into the bottom of the inlet flange, and must be cut to a length that
positions it at least 3" from the bottom of the tank. The skid tank should be equipped
with a vent cap.
3" Min
Vent Cap