1) Determining the
Mounting Position
mounted at the left, door closes to the left
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Oblong fixing holes
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Seil läuft vor der Schiene
© DICTATOR TECHNIK GMBH Gutenbergstr. 9 • 86356 Neusäß • Germany
Tel. +49(0)821-24673-0 • Fax +49(0)821-24673-90 • E-mail info@dictator.de • 1043
C) Mounting of the DICTAMAT 50 KW
The DICTAMAT 50 KW is a compact unit with single pull rope and carrier
bracket for mounting on top of the rail.
Usually it is mounted on the side of the rail where the door is closed as
then the pull rope can directly be fixed to the door leaf.
The DICTAMAT 50 KW can be used without changing for doors closing
to the right or left.
For the fixing you have to take into consideration where the rope shall
run. This decides which of the oblong holes of the carrier bracket (marked
by the red arrows) have to be used for the fixing (see ill. 3a and the
following illustrations).
- Rope runs below the rail: mounting according to ill. 3b
- Rope runs parallel in front of the door: mounting according to ill. 3c
mounted at the right, door closes to the right
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Technical Manual
Ill. 3a
Ill. 3b
Ill. 3c
Page 02.057.03