The mode that ensures the most load protection is the ON LINE mode, where power for the load undergoes a couple
conversion and is reconstructed at output in a perfectly sinusoidal way, with frequency and voltage fixed by the precise digital
control of the DSP independently from the input (V.F.I.). *
It is possible to select the following modes next to the traditional double conversion ON LINE operating mode:
In order to optimise performance, the load is normally powered by the bypass in ECO mode (any disturbances presented on the
mains can have repercussions on the load). In the case of no mains or simply output from expected tolerances, the UPS will
transfer to normal double conversation ON LINE operation. Approximately 5 minutes after the mains tolerances are restored,
the load is automatically switched over to bypass.
In the event that the user is not able to decide which operating mode is best for use (between ON LINE and ECO), he can
entrust the choice to SMART ACTIVE mode. Based on statistics detected regarding power mains quality, the UPS decides on
its own which mode to configure.
Finally, in STAND-BY OFF mode, operation is configured as back-up:
in the presence of mains, the load is not powered, during a black-out, the load is powered by an inverter by means of batteries,
to then be switched off again upon mains return. Intervention time is less than 0.5 sec.
Value rms of output voltage is fixed by the precise control of the DSP independently from input voltage, while the frequency of output
voltage is synchronized (within a tolerance to be set by the user) with that of the input for bypass use. Outside of this tolerance, the UPS
desynchronizes, bringing itself to the nominal frequency and bypass can no longer be used (free running mode).
ATTENTION: Contact a service centre should any malfunctions be detected. UPS maintenance can only be
performed by skilled personnel who have been trained by the manufacturer.
ATTENTION: dangerous voltages even with the input, bypass, output and battery open switches can be
present inside equipment.
Removal of UPS closing panels by unqualified personnel is dangerous and can cause harm to the operator,
equipment and utilities connected to it.
Operations to be performed in order for setting the UPS in "Manual bypass" status without interrupting power to the load:
Attention: if the UPS is in battery operation, manual bypass insertion may cut off power to the load.
Close the SWMB manual bypass switch located behind the door: in this way, the input is short-circuited with the output.
Open the SWIN input, SWBYP bypass (if present) and SWOUT output switches. Open the external UPS battery line
switch/fuses. The control panel will switch off after a few seconds.
In this operating mode, any disturbance or blackouts on the UPS power line will have repercussions on the powered
equipment (the UPS is no longer active and the load is connected directly to the mains). In addition, the auxiliary
"EnergyShare" (if present) socket will no longer be powered (see paragraph "Auxiliary sockets (optional)").
Operations to be performed to start up the UPS in "Manual bypass" status without cutting off power to the load: (to be performed
only when no faults or malfunctions have been detected):
Close the SWIN input, SWBYP bypass (if present) and SWOUT output and the external UPS battery line switches. The
control panel will reactivate. Restart the UPS from the "SYSTEM ON" menu. Wait for the sequence to be completed.
Open the SWMB manual bypass switch: the UPS will restart normal operation.
IV332 Rev.001 SIEL S.p.A.
Data di emissione: 2012-06-04
Pag. 93 di 272 + FR