Filling The iFill Oxygen Cylinder
NOTE– Do not use cylinder while filling.
NOTE– Refer to the General Dangers & Warnings and the Handling Warnings in this manual.
Make sure the personal oxygen station is plugged in.
Make sure the cylinder is securely connected to the oxygen station. Refer to Connecting The iFill Oxygen Cylinder To
The DeVilbiss iFill Personal Oxygen Station.
Push the start/stop switch on the control panel (Figure 3).
The following sequence of events should occur:
The FILLING (green) light will illuminate while the cylinder is filling (refer to iFill Oxygen Cylinder Fill Times).
The FULL (green) light will illuminate when the cylinder is full. Proceed to Removing the iFill Oxygen Cylinder.
NOTE– If the Service (RED) light and audible alert are on, proceed to Trouble shooting in this instruction manual.
Indicator Light Explanation
Indicator Light Color
Standby (green)
Filling (green)
Full (green)
Service (red) and Audible Alert
Removing The iFill Oxygen Cylinder
Do not modify any connections on the personal oxygen station. Never lubricate the connections. Never use tools of any kind to connect/disconnect the oxygen
cylinder and the oxygen station. Otherwise, severe injury and/or damage may occur.
Use extreme care when handling and filling an oxygen cylinder. Full oxygen cylin d ers are under pressure and can become a projectile if dropped or mishandled.
NOTE– Refer to the General Dangers & Warnings and the Handling Warnings in this manual.
Remove the full oxygen cylinder by pushing down on the fill port collar located under the cylinder nipple connector
while using your other hand to steady the cylinder (Figure 4).
Lift up on the cylinder to remove from the oxygen fill connector. The green Standby light will turn on after a short delay.
Oxygen will escape from the fill connector for a short time after the cylinder has been removed. This may be
accompanied by a "pop" with a rush of air. This is normal.
Perform one (1) of the following steps:
If desired, fill another oxygen cylinder. Refer to the DeVilbiss iFill Personal Oxygen Station Operation Checklist.
Place the oxygen fill connector cover onto the fill connector.
NOTE– The oxygen fill connector cover should always be used whenever cylinders are not being filled.
Setting The iFill Oxygen Cylinder Rotary Selector To The Prescribed Setting
Attach a regulator or conserving device to the 870 post and open the 870 cylinder post valve.
Attach the nasal cannula to the cannula fitting of the iFill oxygen cylinder.
Turn the rotary selector to the L/min. setting prescribed by your physician.
Changing the L/min. setting on the rotary selector will affect the dose of oxygen delivered, DO NOT readjust the L/min. setting unless directed by your physi c ian.
To turn the flow of oxygen off, turn the rotary selector counterclockwise to the "OFF" position and close the 870 post valve.
The following troubleshooting chart will help you analyze and correct minor system malfunctions. If the suggested procedures do not help, call your DeVilbiss homecare
provider. Do not attempt any other maintenance.
To avoid electric shock hazard, do not remove the cabinet. The cabinet should only be removed by a qualified DeVilbiss homecare technician.
devilbiss iFill Personal Oxygen Station
No indicator lights on.
Red light on.
EN - 6
Oxygen Station Status
Oxygen station is unplugged.
Oxygen station is ready to begin filling cylinders.
Oxygen station is on and cylinder is filling.
Cylinder is full.
Oxygen station is on but cylinder is not filling due to internal failure.
1. Check that the personal oxygen station power cord is properly plugged into the wall outlet. Ensure the circuit breaker near the
power cord entry is pressed in. If there are still no indicator lights, contact your DeVilbiss provider.
1. Ensure the iFill oxygen cylinder is connected correctly.
2. Press the start/stop switch. If the Red light remains on, contact your DeVilbiss provider for service.
3. If the Red light turns on during the filling process, check that the cylinder is connected properly. Remove the cylinder and
reinstall. Ensure the cylinder rotary selector is in the OFF position. Press the start/stop switch to turn off the Red light and
then again to restart the cylinder filling process. If the Red light turns on again during the filling process, contact your
DeVilbiss provider for service.
Figure 3
Cylinder filling not started
Cylinder is filling
Remove cylinder.
Contact your DeVilbiss provider
Figure 4