In amps PEAK
Remark: Measured with conductor centred at alignment marks, and reference conditions:
Ambient temperature between 18°C and 28°C, relative humidity below 75 %, battery voltage
of 9 V ± 0.1 V, and a crest factor below 2.5 at frequency of 50 Hz.
10 to 19.9 Hz
30 to 45 Hz
30 to 45 Hz
65 to 1000 Hz
rdg = Reading
3.00 to 40.00
40.0 to 99.9
100.0 to 600.0
1.00 to 7.00
7.00 to 99.99
100.0 to 600.0
600.0 to 999.9
1.00 to 99.99
100.0 to 600.0
600.00 to 999.9
0.4 to 99.99
100.0 to 600.0
600.0 to 999.9
30 % rdg
4 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 30 counts
10 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 30 counts
8 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 30 counts
8 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 30 counts
4 % rdg + 2 counts
8 % rdg + 2 counts