3. diving with Galileo
3.5.2 Display information
When diving with an MB level other than L0, Galileo still carries out all calculations relating to
L0 in the background. To understand the relation between set MB level and the underlying
L0 calculation and how the information appears on the display, we shall use the example of
a dive with MB L3 set in the dive computer.
L3 information
on display
Level stop
Level stop
Level stop is deeper than deco
Level stop is at same depth as
deco stop
Situation 2
3.5.3 Display of underlying L0 decompression information
During the dive, the information displayed is always relative to the active MB level. However,
in the cLaSSic, LiGHt and fuLL display, the underlying L0 data is available as one of the
alternate information fields. When pressing the
of times, the L0 information will be visible instead of the active MB level information for
5 seconds, after which it is replaced again by the information relative to the active MB level.
While the L0 information is shown, the symbol L0 precedes either the word no StoP or
deco StoP. This allows you to be aware of what the maximum possible no-stop time is
or what the mandatory decompression requirements are.
For cLaSSic and LiGHt, the underlying L0 information is shown in the sequence right after
the active MB level and before the time of day. This is displayed for 5 seconds instead of the
MB level no-stop or decompression information. After 5 seconds it is replaced again by the
information relative to the active MB level.
L0 information
Display details
in background
Display shows L3 no-stop time. L0 no-stop time can
be called up by pressing "More".
Display shows L3 level stop information. The L3
information is in black on a white background
because L0 is still in no-stop time. Stop is described
as LeVeL StoP. L0 no-stop time can be called up
by pressing "More".
Display shows L3 level stop information. The L3
information is in white on a black background
because L0 is also in decompression. The stop
is described as LeVeL StoP because the stop
depth relates to the L3 level only. L0 decompression
information can be called up by pressing "More".
Display shows L3 level stop information. The L3
information is in white on a black background
because L0 is also in decompression. The stop is
described as LeVeL+deco StoP because the
stop depth is the same for L3 level and for L0. The
tat (total ascent time) refers to L3 level stop, so as
the deco StoP obligation is met, the description
of the stop depth changes from LeVeL+deco
StoP to LeVeL StoP only. L0 decompression
information can be called up by pressing "More".
Situation 3.1
Situation 3.2
button the appropriate number