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Menu Navigation - Ideal 61-830 Manual De Instrucciones

Monitor de rendimiento del voltaje


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ND 5790-1 61-830 instructions

Menu Navigation:

With the voltage event category highlighted, press the ENTER to bring up a chrono-
logical log of voltage events in that category:
In the example above, every SAG event that occurred is listed and sorted chrono-
logically. Up and down arrows highlight each event. Up to four events are dis-
played. The screen will refresh with the next four events when the down arrow is
used to scroll past the oldest record. The display loops back to the most current
event when the last record is passed. Left arrow returns to the review screen. To
easily return to the most current record, use the left arrow to exit log and press the
enter key to go back into the log. Press the RIGHT ARROW key while an event is
highlighted to display the Event Detail screen.
The event detail screen varies based on the type of event.
SAG/Swell Detail:
For sags and swells, the event detail screen shows magnitude and duration of the
trigger above the magnitude and duration of the event. Duration is displayed cycles.
The left arrow returns to the Event Log screen
Impulse Detail:
Events over 450V will log as an impulse event. The peak voltage of the event is dis-
played in kV, the duration is displayed in microseconds. Impulses as fast as 6
microseconds will be captured.
10:40 AM
Page 9
THD Detail:
In the Review screen, press ENTER when THD is highlighted to display the THD
Log screen. RIGHT ARROW to display THD Detail.
Live monitoring displays real-time %THD. A THD event is logged only if the %THD
surpasses 3.0% during a monitoring period. Once %THD surpasses 3.0% the unit
will log the maximum % THD for the monitoring period. The THD measurement is
extremely accurate, taken every 4th cycle. Press the Left Arrow to return you to the
Review Screen
Log and Set Up screens:
Log Screen
Press the DOWN ARROW in the Review Screen to highlight Log. Press ENTER
while log is displays chronological event log. The Log Screen displays a cumula-
tive record of all events with time stamp.
In addition to voltage events the unit will log RUN and LOSS events. RUN events
are markers for when the unit sees AC power. Either when starting a monitoring
cycle or when power returns after a loss. A LOSS is the when power is lost*. To
determine the duration of a power loss, subtract the Run event from the prior Loss
event. To simulate a loss the unit can be unplugged without touching a key and
plugged back in to the live outlet. These additional events make up the difference
between the sum of the event counts and the log count. Press RIGHT ARROW to
display the event detail.
*Event outside of the operating range of the unit (15V) may also record as a loss. Losses are
also logged in the SAG event log.

