7. Special functions
7.1. Special methods
The PF-12 allows you to define up to 20 special methods. The methods can
be defined as linear (factor) or non-linear methods (up to the 4th degree). For
defined methods, the same options as in the main program, such as sample lo-
cation, dilution, memory, etc. are available.
Now follows the menu for entering the method characteristics. To enter text,
filter query, factor, measurement direction, measurement range, unit and dimen-
sion addition, you can enter letters and numbers via the key pad.
At the query <factor linear?>, you have two options. You can press
a linear factor (β = E x F). In this case, the decimal place of the factor also indi-
cates the displayed decimal places.
Alternatively, you can press
F4 x E4 + F3 x E3 + F2 x E2 + F1 x E + F0). Pressing button
a polynomial factor results in a change of the algebraic sign. Once you have
entered the polynomial factors, you can enter the number of decimal places
in the display and the measurement direction (+ = increasing, - decreasing,
+- both directions).
You can delete and re-enter an erroneous entry at any time by pressing
can also abort programming a special method by pressing
To run a special method, press
If the entered number does not refer to a special method, you can search for
previously programmed methods by pressing
Select special method from the main menu with
Create new
offer the following options:
To select a previously programmed method, enter the
2 digit special method number, e.g. P18.
to run the method.
and e.g. 16 to create the new special method
to enter a polynomial up the 4th degree (β =
and enter the 2 digit number. The scroll but-
before entering
and then
to enter
. You