Confi guration dip-switch for input channel operation mode.
The RS485 communication port is the inverter' s communication port. AURORA uses a HALF-DUPLEX RS485 communication line made up of two
transmission reception lines (+T/R and –T/R) and a reference communication line (RTN): all three lines must be wired in a daisy-chain ("in-out").
It is advisable to use a twisted-pair screened cable for the communication line: the screen must be earthed at only one point (typically near the
monitoring system) and continuity inside each element of the chain must be given to the screen. Refer to Appendix B.
The chain connection can be made without distinction by using the connector couples (one for in and one for out – det. [P]) or the terminal
block (det. [Q] or det. [R]). The connectors are identifi ed by the printing "RS485(A)" and "RS485(B)": use of connector "A" as in and "B" as out is not
compulsory (both connectors can be used as in or out). Refer to APPENDIX A for the PIN-OUT of the RJ12 and RJ45 connectors.
The last inverter in the daisy chain must be "terminated" or the 120 Ohm communication line termination resistance must be activated by
switching the dip-switch (det. [S]).
RJ12 connectors,
terminal block and termination
resistance for the PVI-3.0/3.6/4.2-OUTD
The PVI-3.0/3.6/4.2/10.0/12.5-OUTD models are equipped with a two-level terminal block allowing one level to be used for line-in connection
and the other for line-out connection. The terminal block is also equipped with the LNK terminal for the PVI-3.0/3.6/4.2-OUTD models and SCLD
for the PVI-10.0/12.5-OUTD models allowing continuity to be given to the cable screen.
On the other hand the PVI-5000/6000-OUTD models are equipped with a one-way terminal block (det. [Q]) and therefore it is necessary to couple
the line-in and line-out leads in the same clamp.
Note about the built-in USB port in the PVI-3.0/3.6/4.2/5000/6000-OUTD models
The USB communication port is a service port. This port exists for diagnostic use and the internal controller' s fi rmware upgrade and is limited to service
staff. Although drivers have been released (compatible with Windows XP and for which no upgrades are envisaged) which permit this port to be also
used for monitoring (not recommended), the primary use remains strictly tied to debugging and updating the system. Power-One recommends the use
of the RS485 port for the continuous monitoring of system data.
With regard to the communication interface, the use of the dedicated Power-One PVI-RS485_RS232 or PVI-USB-RS485_232 type converter
is strongly recommended in order to prevent compatibility problems that can sometimes be encountered with the standard models on the
Photovoltaic Inverters
RJ45 connectors, terminal block and
termination resistance for the
resistance for the PVI-10.0/12.5-OUTD
13 - EN
RJ45 connectors,
terminal block and termination