Playback Settings
When you activate the Loop button, the sample is played back continuously. When
the Loop button is deactivated, playback stops at the end of the sample.
This function also applies to grain playback. If a grain ends up outside the sample
boundaries, due to the Random, Spread, or Offset settings, it is played back, and
then, playback resumes at the start of the sample.
Determines how fast and in which direction the grain position progresses through the
Some examples:
- At 0 %, the grain position always stays the same.
- At 100 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at the original speed
and direction.
- At 200 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at twice the original
- At -100 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at the original speed,
but in reverse direction.
- At -200 %, the grain position progresses through the sample at twice the original
speed, and in reverse direction.
Grain Settings
Number of Grains
You can specify the number of grains for each channel of the sample. At a setting of 2,
the two grains are offset by 180 °. Due to this phase offset, the root of the spectrum is
canceled out, and the pitch increases by one octave. To compensate for this, adjust
the "Position Spread", "Position Offset", or "Duration Spread" parameters.
Increases the grain period by a factor ranging from 1 to 1000.
For very short grains, the sound gets the pitch of the frequency at which the grains
repeat. For example, the grain duration at the center key C3 is 3.82 ms. If you set the
grain duration to 2, the grain period is 7.64 ms, and the pitch of the sound is one
octave lower.
When grains with a Duration setting above 10 are used, the sound gets the pitch of
the sample.
Key Follow
Determines how the grain duration changes with the notes you play. At a setting of
+100 % and a duration of 1.0, the grain duration corresponds to the pitch of the note
that you play.
Padshop/Padshop Pro
The Oscillator Section