POSI (GP5) : description
Various control types (control signal on terminals N°15 and N°16)
On request, our cards can be set in factory. The consign and the feedback signal can have different forms (current or voltage).
As standard, the cards are set for current 4-20mA (control + feedback signal).
Control in 0-10V modes:
In case of outside event, absence of control signal (accidental wires cut for example) but in presence of power, the actuator
will travel to defined position (open or closed valve).
As standard our actuators will close themselves in absence of control signal but there are other possibilities on request.
Control in 4-20mA mode:
In case of outside event, absence of control signal (accidental wires cut for example) but in presence of power, the actuator
will stay in its position.
Electric connection
Power supply wiring
Ensure that the voltage indicated on the actuator ID label corresponds to the voltage supply.
Unscrew the left cable gland and insert the cable.
Remove 25mm of the cable sheath and strip each wire by 8mm.
Connect the wires to the terminal strip in accordance with the diagram p. 36.
Tighten the cable gland (Ensure that it's well mounted to guaranty the proofness).
Setpoint and feedback wiring
Unscrew the right gland and pass the cable.
Connect the input signal between terminals 15 and 16 (attached p.35 mark.B). Terminal 15 is the negative polarity (-) and
terminal 16 is the positive polarity (+).
Connect the output signal between terminals 13 and 14.(attached p.35 mark.C). Terminal 13 is the positive polarity (+) and
terminal 14 is the negative polarity (-).
Tighten the cable gland (Ensure that it's well mounted to guaranty the proofness).
Factory setting : by default, 4-20mA input and output signals with normal rotation sense.
To proceed to a new setting of the card : please see page 37, "Parameter selection sequence".
To check the proper operation of the card : please see page 37, "Normal operating mode".
In order to avoid electromagnetic perturbations, it is compulsory to use shielded cables (cables longer
than 3m).
The control voltage must be S.E.L.V. (Safety Extra Low Voltage).
No common earth/ground connexion between the control (input and output signal) and the alimentation.
(Type 0-20 or 4-20mA : 5V DC max.)
10 kOhm input impedance if control with voltage (0-10 V) and 100 Ohm input impedance if control with
current (0-20 mA or 4-20 mA)
The card resolution is 1°
DSBA3800 • Rév. 01/10/2020