2.10- Safety devices on board the machine
In the development of the design, fixed safety protections have been adopted
in hazardous areas of operation. All guards are fully shielded to prevent access
to risky points. This measure aims to guarantee protection to operators and
other people involved with the operation of this machine.
Never use the machine without the safety guards! Replace damaged safety
shields immediately.
In accordance with Regulatory Standard NR-12, "fixed protection" is
considered to be the element specifically used to provide safety through
a physical barrier. It must be held in its position permanently or by means
of fastening elements that only allow its removal or opening with the
use of tools.
A - Head Cover:
Protection developed to prevent
contact with the chain and other
r o t a t i n g c o m p o n e n t s o f t h e
transmission (shafts, wheels, gears,
etc.) during the operation of the
Risk of removal of Head cover:
Contact with the chain and/or
sprockets, gears, etc., with the
machine on may cause serious injuries
such as fractures, kinks, etc.
Instructions Manual
2. Safety