1. Fascia and bumper beam removal – use T20 star driver to remove (4) screws from bottom
fascia and (5) screws from wheel well each side. Open the trunk and gently remove the fascia.
Unplug (5) wirings from the fascia and carefully set the fascia aside. Use 15mm socket to
remove (3) flange nuts from bumper beam each side and then remove bumper beam. Set the
bumper beam and fasteners aside carefully. NOTE: Some models might have (4) flange nuts
on bumper beam each side, if so reuse all flange nuts in Step 4.
2. Lowering exhaust and heat shield removal – unplug (1) wiring near muffler each side, see
Figure 2. Use 13 mm socket to remove (1) bolt from exhaust hanger bracket each side, see
Figure 3. Remove (1) center exhaust hanger rod from rubber and use a support to keep
muffler from getting damaged. Use 10 mm socket to remove (2) bolts and (4) plastic caps
from heat shield and take it down.
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