4. Click the " Edit " on the top right corner of the station tab.
5. Key-in the "Devices name", Device's MAC address", "Elevation", "Latitude", "Longitude" and select your
time zone in the station tab.
The weather forecast of a geographical location is based on its Longitude and Latitude with resolution up
to 3 decimal places. Most online maps such as Google Map or Bing Map provide degrees of longitude and
latitude with 4 decimal places. Round off to 3 decimal places before you enter these data.
Enter a negative sign for Longitudes or Latitudes when it's West or South respectively. For example,
74.341° West is "-74.341" ; 33.868° South is "-33.868".
6. In the setup UI that mention in section 7.2, select the ProWeatherLive in first row of the Weather server
setup section then key-in the Station ID and key that assigned by ProWeatherLive.
Weather server setup
Station ID:
Station key:
Station ID:
Station key:
Station ID:
Station key: