● C heck the safety valveeach time before
you use the unit! Insert the pump and
screw it in. O perate the pump until the
pressure gauge shows no further in-
crease in pressure (the safety valve blows
off the excess pressure).
15 a
● C aution! F ig.
S ome types of unit are equipped with a
connection for an air compressor.
The following must be observed in such a
- C ompressor boost pressure or
compressed air supply secured
onto max. 6 bar.
- E nsure the pump is in the locked posi-
tion before pressurizing.
- D o not exceed the maximum filling
- T he non-return valve in the compressor
connection must not be removed to de-
pressurize the tank.
Fill tank
● R emove the pump by turning it to the left.
To do this, first release the piston rod,
turn it 180° and transfer the screw force
via the back of the locking pins on the
pump housing.
● Attach pump to filling hopper.
5 litre units – F ig.
10 litre units – F ig.
● F ill tank. C aution! Note maximum fill level
based on technical data (see supplemen-
tary sheet), safety instructions and permis-
sible materials.
● Note: Filling strainer!
U se the supplied filling strainer for filling the
tank. The filling strainer should be used for
pre-filtration, especially when spraying
agents are used, particularly when pow-
der-based concentrates are used.
5 litre units – F ig.
10 litre units – F ig.
● To check filling level: Insert a rod through
the filler opening to the bottom of the
tank. Mark the top edge of the filler funnel
on the rod. W ithdraw the rod from the
tank and hold it up against the litre scale
on the outside, making sure that the
mark on the rod lines up with the top
edge of the filler funnel. The liquid level
marked on the rod can be read off on the
litre scale.
● Insert the pump and screw into position.
● O perate the pump until an operating
pressure of 6 bar (red line on manometer)
in the tank has been reached.
● S pray compound dosage: O bserve the in-
structions of the spray compound manu-
facturer (see sample computation)! At the
time of production of this unit, the manu-
facturer was not aware of any damaging
effects of the pesticides permitted by the
G erman F ederal Biological Institute (BBA)
on the materials of which the unit is