All the operational modes are stored in the RVM72A.CFG fi le that
must be present in the root folder of SD card. If this fi le is not
present all values in the two formats are saved (in overall 380). If
you select only the essential fi elds, the fi les created are smaller
and more simply to analyze.
To modify the RVM72A.CFG text fi le you can use any text editors
or simply call it from the "Edit confi guration" item of "SD card"
menu. Please don't change the positions of spacing and format
of such fi le.
Before using a new SD memory card it is necessary to format
it using the "Format SD card" menu. This command also copy
the RVM72A.CFG fi le into root folder. Is possible however use the
standard disk formatting tool offered by the PC operating system
(remember to use FAT16 or generic FAT option).
Once the SD card is inserted into the machine interface, it is
necessary to press the key beside the SD plug connector if you
want read a single report. If the daily automatic read is selected,
the green led will begin to fl ash for pointing out the activation of
such type of read. In every case, when a read is in progress, the
green led is off and the red led is on. When it returns green it is
possible to extract the SD card unless is not wanted to leave it in
the machine for the daily reads.
In case of error the red led will begin to fl ash according to an
established code of fl ashing:
1 fl ash:
the SD card has not correctly been inserted.
2 fl ash:
the SD card is writed protected. Move the switch on it.
3 fl ash:
SD card reading or writing error.
4 fl ash:
error related to the management of the fi les.
5 fl ash:
serial error while connecting to the RVM72A board.
For resetting the alarm condition press again the key. If the error
is cleared the green led will relight and the red led will go off.
Once the data is acquired it is possible to insert the SD card into
Personal Computer. It will open the disk window and will appear
the two folders (GPE-DATA and EVA-DTS) containing the fi les
in two different formats. For the EVA-DTS format refer to this
standard documentation.
The GPE-DATA format is directly legible text. A start header
report the principal characteristics of the machine and then
the following lines (one for every read) report reading of date/
hour and the selected values. The various fi elds of every line are
separated by the tabulation character (ASCII code = 9). In case of
direct reading with a text editors is suffi cient select an elevated
number of tabulation spacing for a clear view of the data.
In the case of loading into programs as EXCEL, it is possible to
import data directly opening the fi le and following the automatic
A simple EXCEL template fi le is provided as GPE-DATA.xlt (into
the folder C:\RVM72A\GPE-DATA) that contains the Auto_Open
macro for automatic selection of the acquired fi le and format of
the cells style for a best reading. In such template a plot chart is
also predisposed for allowing the analysis of one or more fi elds
of data.
To recall the EXCEL program with such template you can use
"Excel import" menu of the RVM72A computer software.