eep- arm in icator N t rns on
he appliance remains in eep arm mo e or
hen time r ns o t the appliance eeps three times in a ro
t rns o an the coo ing in icator light M starts ashing
he coo ing or eep arm process can also e stoppe man all
o t rn o the appliance npl g the po er cor rom the po er o tlet
Rice program
his program is se to coo si e ish rice or s shi rice
he most s ita le arieties o rice to e coo e are certainl the oriental ones s ch as Jasmine
Basmati hai or Kome a short an ro n ish-grain rice se speci call as s shi rice o can tr
coo ing other t pes o rice accor ing to o r taste or a
Meas re the rice ith the meas ring c p K
se eral times n er r nning ater at least - times or ntil the ater is clear
Place the pre io sl
ater to the pot chec the ater le el correspon s to the n m er o rice scoops se For
e ample to coo
he ater
antit can e increase or ecrease accor ing to taste or rice ariet
It is possi le to a
p to
tart the ice program
Coo ing times ar accor ing to the
Amount of uncooked
hen the ater has completel e aporate the appliance a tomaticall enters the eep arm
mo e
At the en o the process i o
appliance in eep- arm mo e or -
I necessar stir the rice sing the rice scoop I
Sauté program
his program is s ita le or coo ing oo at high temperat res
ro ning meat egeta les sh eggs or sa t e oo s
tart the program
he coo ing time aries accor ing to the t pe o ish
Steam cooking program
team coo ing can e one sing the special as et B
It is possi le to coo rice an steam oo at the same time
internal pot
ashe rice into the internal pot C
scoops o rice se scoops o ater
scoops each scoop contains a o t
ollo ing the instr ctions gi en in the Instr ctions or se
antit o rice se
Quantity of water
ant the rice to e coo e
min tes ith the li on
ollo ing the Instr ctions or se paragraph
ho rs
he eep arm in icator light N
t rning the no L to
ring coo ing
nce meas re
the rice sho l
gr o rice
Cooking time
ell o nee to eep the
st li e in a pan It is i eal or
inserting rice as ell as ater in the
e ashe
Amount of cooked