Leg me so p
Chic en so p
G lash ee ste t pical o
H ngar
ome ingre ients are not s ita le or slo coo ing s ch as mil
necessar a
them at the en o coo ing For est res lts the pot sho l
ith li i s an ingre ients
Do not li t the li
ring coo ing in or er to pre ent heat loss
At the en o slo coo ing the internal pot can also e place in the o en at a temperat re o ma
egrees to complete r or gratinate coo ing
Keep warm program
his program is i eal to heat p or eep arm oo s
It can e selecte man all or start a tomaticall at the en o the coo ing process or the ice
a t
team lo coo ing programs For man al selection procee as ollo s
rn the no L to the eep arm position
eep arm in icator light N starts ashing an the coo ing in icator light M t rns o
Press the program start
he appliance remains in eep arm mo e or
hen time r ns o t the appliance eeps three times in a ro
t rns o an the coo ing in icator light M starts ashing
he coo ing or eep arm process can also e stoppe man all
Danger o
rns Al a s npl g the appliance e ore cleaning it Each operation m st e
carrie o t hen the appliance is col
is o electric shoc Ne er immerse the appliance in ater or other li i s
All cleaning operations escri e
ith the pl g isconnecte rom the soc et
Danger o material amage Chec the state o the po er ca le o o r appliance on a reg lar
asis e ore sing it an i it is amage ta e it to the ser ice centre closest to o to ha e
it replace onl
Do not se a rasi e etergents or metal tensils as the
Do not se irect ater ets to clean the appliance
Ne er ash the appliance or the internal pot in the ish asher
Slow cooking time (hours)
tton M
he appliance ill egin the heating process
elo m st e carrie o t ith the appliance s itche o
specialise personnel
Sauté cooking time (min)
cream pasta sea oo
hich o l lengthen the coo ing
he appliance eeps at each rotation the
ho rs
he eep arm in icator light N
t rning the no L to
ill scratch the coating
e at least hal lle