8. Usage (ECG)
General notes on using the ECG stick
• The ECG measuring device is a single-channel electrocardiogram (ECG) device that you can use to rapidly
record an electrocardiogram (ECG). In addition, the device provides a clear evaluation of the recording,
particularly as regards any disruption of the heart rhythm.
• The ECG measuring device displays changes in the heart rhythm, which may have various different
causes. These may be harmless, but may also be triggered by illnesses or diseases of differing de-
grees of severity. Please consult a medical specialist if you believe you may have an illness or disease.
• Electrocardiograms recorded using the ECG measuring device show the heart's function at the time of
the measurement. As such, any changes occurring before or after the measurement is taken may not
necessarily be detected.
• ECG measurements, such as those taken with the ECG measuring device, cannot identify all heart diseas-
es. Regardless of the measurement taken, you should consult your doctor immediately if you experience
symptoms that could indicate acute heart disease. Such symptoms could include (but are not limited to):
- pain or pressure on the left of the chest area or abdomen,
- radiating pain in the area of the mouth/jaw/face, or in the shoulders, arm or hands,
- back pain,
- nausea,
- burning sensation in the chest,
- tendency to collapse,
- breathlessness,
- rapid heartbeat or irregular heart rhythm
- or, in particular, a combination of these symptoms.
• ALWAYS consult a doctor IMMEDIATELY if you experience any of these symptoms. If you have any
doubts, seek an emergency medical examination.
• Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate on the basis of the measurement without consulting your doctor.
In particular, do not start taking any new medication or change the type and/or dosage of any existing
medication without prior approval.
• The ECG measuring device is not a substitute for a medical examination of your heart function or for
medical electrocardiogram recordings, which require more complex measurements.
• It is not possible to use the ECG measuring device to diagnose illnesses or diseases that may be caus-
ing an ECG change. This is exclusively the responsibility of your doctor.
• We recommend that you record the ECG results and provide them to your doctor if required. This ap-
plies in particular if the status messages of the ECG measuring device do not show the "OK" symbol.