• As the sterilizer works with
steam under pressure, some
parts of it may become warm.
You should therefore exercise
the greatest caution whenever
working on the sterilizer.
• Hot steam may flow out of the
sterilizer when the door is ope-
• When handling materials and
loading the sterilizer, bear in
mind that the chamber and the
area close to the chamber en-
trance is very warm.
• Liquids must be sterilised in
special programs intended for
liquids. The sterilizer's liquid
program is solely intended for
the sterilisation of liquids in
open vessels.
The warranty on the delivered
product is invalidated by faulty
installation or an overlooked/
incorrect service interval/mainten-
ance It must be possible to verify
G e n e r a l
The VS-series consists of vertical sterilizers with pre-
programmed sterilisation programs. The sterilizer
works with steam produced in a chamber, fed with wa-
ter from an external connection.
There are 4 different admonitory levels in the manual:
Factor, circumstance or state that can give rise to
the risk of personal injury.
Factor, circumstance or state that can give rise to
the risk of damage to machinery or the process.
Clarification that facilitates the understanding of
that described in this manual.
Factor, circumstance or state that can facilitate
execution or the process.
The following warning symbol is placed on the outside
of the sterilizer (symbol acc. to ISO 3864)
If national requirements do not accept this symbol, the
symbol must be replaced by a suitable symbol valid in
the country were the sterilizer is used.
The warning symbol indicates that the person, re-
sponsible for the sterilizer must be fully conversant
with all requirements mentioned in the documents for
the sterilizer.
W a r r a n t y
A 2 year warranty is provided. However, not on those
components considered to be consumables, for ex -
ample, door gaskets. For service work, reference
should be made to agreements with the supplier.
The Product Liability Act only applies when the in-
structions in this manual have been followed in their