Fig. 13
4. Open the ignition (Fig. 13-1) and air vent (Fig. 13-2) fully
until the wood has caught fi re properly and is burning well.
Push the button on the rear of the handle to fully open the
ignition vent.
5. Check that afterburning (secondary combustion) starts. This
is best indicated by yellow, fl ickering fl ames in front of the
holes under the baffl e (Fig. 13-3).
6. Close the ignition vent and regulate the air vent as required.
7. The ash pan must always be closed when the fi re is lit.
8. The ash grate should be half-open when the fi re is lit.
Adding fi rewood
Stoke the stove frequently but only add small amounts of
fuel at a time. If the stove is fi lled too full, the heat created
may cause extreme stress in the chimney.
Add fuel to the fi re in moderation.
Avoid smouldering fi res as this produces the most pollution.
The fi re is best when it is burning well and the smoke from
the chimney is almost invisible.
5.3 Danger of overheating
The fi replace must never be used in a manner
that causes overheating
Overheating occurs when there is too much fuel and/or
too much air so that too much heat develops. A sure sign of
overheating is when parts of the stove glow red. If this happens,
reduce the air vent opening immediately.
Seek professional advice if you suspect that the chimney is
not drawing properly (too much/too little draught). (For
further information, see «Chimney and flue pipe» under
«4.0 Installation»).
5.4 Ash removal
This product has an ash pan that makes it easy to remove the
Fig. 14
The product is fi tted with an ash grate (Fig. 14-2). Activate
the handle (Fig. 14-1) to empty ash out of the burn chamber
into the ash pan (Fig. 14-3). Important! Never empty ash
into a fl ammable container. There may still be embers in
the ash long after the fi re has gone out.
Make sure that the ash pan (Fig. 14-3) never gets so full that
it prevents the ash from falling through the ash grate and
down into the pan.
6.0 Service
Warning! Any unauthorised changes to the product is not
allowed. Only original spare parts may be used!
6.1 Replacing the baffl e/defl ectors
Fig. 15
1. Lift the baffl e (Fig. 15-1) up carefully.
2. Remove the pins (Fig. 15-2).
3. Ease the baffl e out.