correspond to different Exposure
Values (EV). The camera's Expo-
sure Values are +
(when you
move the switch up) and -
you move the switch down).
To open the viewfi nder
gently push the tab labeled 'push'
sideways in the direction of the
arrow. This will release the latch
and the viewfi nder will pop up.
To close it again, simply fold it
down, rear lens fi rst, pressing
gently downwards until the latch
clicks shut.
Using the viewfi nder: The I-1 uses
a mechanical pop-up viewfi nder
with refl ective silver markings
that help you to align the camera
correctly for a well-composed shot.
The viewfi nder is most accurate
when you hold it 4 – 5cm away
from your eye. To use the align-
ment markings, follow these steps:
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· Close one eye and hold your
camera out in front of you, at fi rst
about 20cm away from your face.
· Train your eye on the silver dot on
the viewfi nder's rear lens. Move
the camera until the silver dot is
in the center of the circle on the
front lens.
· Move the camera towards you
until the viewfi nder is 4–5 cm
away from your eye. The dot will
become blurry but should still
be visible inside the circle. You'll
see that the view through the
viewfi nder has become sharp.
· Remember that the viewfi nder
sits above the camera's lens,
so at very close distances (1.2
meters or less), you will need to
aim higher than what you see in
the viewfi nder to compose your
shot correctly.
Note: See "The Viewfi nder" diagram
on the inside cover of this manual.
The I-1 uses infrared light to work
out how far away the subject is.
In order for this to work most
effectively, your subject should be
at the center of your composition
while the camera is focusing. If
you don't want your subject to be
in the center of your photo, fi rst
compose the shot with the subject
at the center. Then press the
shutter button halfway in to focus.
To avoid a blurry photo, make sure
you are at least 30cm away from
your subject when you take the
Important: The shutter button has two
positions: press it lightly halfway in
to focus, and fi rmly all the way in to
take a photo. You will feel a very subtle
click when you reach the halfway po-
sition. Practice this a few times while
the camera is switched off to
get a feel for it.
Keep your fi nger on the shutter
button as it's pressed halfway in,
then reframe your shot by moving
your subject off-center. Then,
fi nally, push the shutter button all
the way in to take the photo. Your
subject will remain in focus even
though it is no longer centered.
Press the shutter button
halfway to automatically focus your
shot. Press the shutter button all
the way in to take the photo. The
photo will be ejected from the slot
at the front of the camera as soon
as you let go of the shutter button.
It will be shielded from the light
by the frog tongue
, which also
holds it in place.
Remove the photo from beneath
the frog tongue and let the frog
tongue roll back into the camera.
Place the photo face down to
continue shielding it from light
as it develops.
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