Auto-rotate screen
Touch the switch to activate auto-rotate screen. Content on
the screen or the keyboard will be automatically rotated when
you rotate your phone.
Speak passwords
Touch the switch to speak passwords while typing.
Accessibility shortcut
Touch to enable/disable quick activating for accessibility
Text-to-speech output
Touch to update the settings for text-to-speech output, such
as the speech rate.
Touch & hold delay
Touch to adjust the duration of touch and hold delay. This
function enables your phone to differ touch and touch & hold,
which may avoid incorrect operations.
Colour inversion
Touch the switch to turn on/off colour inversion.
Colour correction
Touch to turn on/off colour correction.
Regulatory & Safety
Touch to check regulatory and safety inforation, such as IMEI,
CU reference, Bluetooth declaration ID, etc..
AT&T Software updates
Touch to check for system updates.
About phone
This contains information about things ranging from Status,