OBJ_DOKU-193005-006.fm Seite 26 Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018 12:40 12
2. Immerse the product completely in a disinfectant bath, en-
suring that the product does not come into contact with oth-
er components in the bath.
3. Move the movable parts back and forth (at least 5 times).
4. Rinse the surfaces with sterile, deionized water (at least
1 minute).
5. Dry the product until there are no more fluid residues visible
(e.g. with filtered compressed air).
Cleaning and disinfection by machine
The washer/disinfector must have fundamentally certified ef-
fectiveness (e.g. CE marking according to DIN EN ISO 15883).
The detergent and disinfectant must be suitable for medical de-
vices made of plastic and metal and have a pH value between 5.5
and 12.3.
Observe the specifications from the manufacturer of the deter-
gent and disinfectant and in the chapter "Overview of validated
1. Make sure the instrument jaws are open.
2. Place the product in a suitable rinsing basket carefully. In do-
ing so make sure the product is not touching other instru-
ments or parts of instruments.
3. Start a tested program with the following properties:
– Sufficient cleaning effect.
– Thermal disinfection: 5 to 10 minutes at 90 to 95 °C,
≥ 3000.
– Final rinse with distilled or deionized water.
– Sufficient product drying (no visible fluid residues).
4. If contaminants are still visible on the product after the end
of the routine, repeat precleaning and machine cleaning and